1. By1921 , however , it had become a real alternative to cotton .


  2. Most of us who choose to live together see it as a test drive for marriage , not a real alternative .


  3. The euro is the only real alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency , he says .


  4. But Mr Tobaccowala thinks pay-per-action could become a real alternative to pay-per-click .


  5. This is in contrast to their original opinion , which was the result of simply following the majority because it seemed easier or because there was no real alternative .


  6. So the only real alternative to full and enthusiastic participation in Europe is departure , including from the single market , which is what the Eurosceptics really want .


  7. GM still favours the sale to the Canadian / Russian consortium , these people said , because it fears the only real alternative is insolvency and a controlled administration process .


  8. In short , I don 't think there is any real alternative to building a tiered implementation on top of the jvm simply because of the semantic mismatch between ruby and the jvm .


  9. Despite recent efforts to diversify , many central banks say that they still see no real alternative to the safety and liquidity of the US Treasury market , and hold more than 60 per cent of their reserves in dollars .


  10. Indeed , the only real alternative to the dollar over the next three decades is not likely to be the euro , yen , gold or SDRs but , in fact , Governor Zhou 's renminbi .


  11. This is a real and viable alternative to inventing your own configuration language , or writing your own expression parser .


  12. Therefore , this paper takes up survey , literature and comparative methods hoping to get the latest and most real information about Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education so as to contribute modest power to it .


  13. Especially about alternative behavior implementation issues , the author cites his own hosted by real case , for alternative behavior legal effect of the responsibility main body , executive cost determination and litigant relief way puts forward his own personal experiences and opinions .
